Tuesday, March 10, 2009

No Dogs Go to Heaven?!?

So, yesterday I received an email with pictures of two church signs. The email said that the churches were across the street from each other and were exchanges "thoughts" about rather or not dogs will be in heaven. The church signs, as it turns out, were not real. (You can make your own church sign picture at http://www.churchsigngenerator.com/ ) Anyway this has started me thinking. You mean some people really believe that there will be no animals in heaven! I'm just having a hard time with that. No birds singing. No deer roaming around. I guess I haven't been giving this enough thought. (I'm really behind on my Bible studies.) I've known several dogs that deserve a place in heaven before some humans. All of this, it seems, really comes down to whether or not you believe animals have a soul. You have to have a soul to get into heaven. This has really been bothering me. But, Rachael helped me out today. She found the following web site, http://ezinearticles.com/?My-Pastor-Said-Animals-Dont-Have-Souls&id=542474 . I like Gary Kurz. I was baptizied in a Baptist Church when I 16 years old, many years ago. In the years since then I've wondered if my personal beliefs really run true to the Baptist faith. One thing I do know, I like the way this Baptist preacher thinks and if I'm ever in the same town where Gary Kurz is preaching, I'm going!! No matter your belief, take a moment to look at the above site. I think he makes some good arguments. Ritzi, if I make it to heaven I'm sure you'll be waiting for me.

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1 comment:

  1. The church sign generator has been an awesome tool for mischief and controversy! Thanks for sharing!
