Sunday, January 25, 2009

Thankful Sunday

Big Wine Glasses, no explanation needed.

Sunshine, which I have not seen enough of in this wonderful new year!

Rebecca @ Indulge Day Spa, Saturday's surprise from my knight in shinning armour. Thank you both.

Coffee, there's nothing like it first thing in the a.m.

Kristy and family in Fla., wonderful friends, because they seem to know that we love them even though we are not very good at staying in touch. (I really would like to come down SOON for a long week end.)

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  1. Hey, this is Ashleigh Dodd! I have a blog too but haven't really used it yet haha. & Yes you all need to come down to Pensacola sometime! :)

  2. Awww...we're thankful for you guys too! I think Ashleigh is having Park family withdrawals, so we will have to get together this spring. I have the 2009 Horse Show dates if ya'll are interested!

